The latest version is 1.0.0 (Dated, April 30, 2008)
This report was first published in draft format in June of 2006. At that time, it represented an accurate understanding of the watershed based on the best available data. This report was finalized in 2008. Since 2006, a substantial increase in understanding has taken place through expanded data gathering, further studies, and additional analyses. It is anticipated that future reports and technical studies, already underway to support the requirements of the Clean Water Act will shed more light on the Region’s water resources. Although still an excellent summary of the Source Water Protection Region; the reader is encouraged to review subsequent published documentation such as: Water Budget Reports, Assessment Reports and the final Source Water Protection Plans.
- Watershed Characterization Report (Main document, 2.5 MB PDF)
- Watershed Characterization Report - Maps (Map Appendix, 69 MB PDF)
The Province of Ontario has embarked on a comprehensive study of all watersheds in the province with the end goal of producing source protection plans, which will outline scientific approaches to managing water quality and quantity risks for drinking water supplies. Prior to the development of source protection plans, several key technical components must be undertaken to establish the characteristics of our watersheds, potential areas of source water vulnerability, potential threats to drinking water resources and general issues and concerns related to water quality and quantity within our communities and watersheds. All of these technical components together form a watershed characterization report.
The watershed characterization report is the foundation for building the necessary pieces of a source protection plan. Information has been compiled on the physical, sociological, and economic characteristics of the source protection region and the watersheds within the region. This information has been developed by following the "Assessment Report: Guidance Module 1 – Watershed Characterization", developed by the Ministry of the Environment, April 10, 2006.